Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Surprise on this one

Well after yesterdays debacle with the computer software dept. and quality control telling me that they would have my tech support guy call today I was thinking in the back of my mind right sure thing believe it when I get the call they asked what time should he call I told them like noon pacific time and here it is a bit after 3 and I have not heard from them no surprise.  But on to my household things I got the living room under control yesterday cannot believe that missing a few days of picking up the general clutter it caused such a back up got living room completely done clutter picked up vacuumed, dusted etc. and got the most of the kitchen done and got dinner taken care of,  everyone got home and the girls started working on their puzzle and husband ate and hit the couch to try and recover from working Friday night till 2am and then had to be back to work at 8am so the double back in kinda hard.  Me I got 4 virtually uninterrupted hours of knitting got so much done on the beanie that is for a friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 non hogkins lymphoma they started her chemo about 4 days after diagnosis so really worried about her but like her outlook her mom and aunt were both diagnosed with breast cancer and her aunt lost her hair which had been dark and very kinky coarse in texture then when it came back in it was a completely smooth great texture and brunette in color so her plan is when she loses her hair and it comes back she plans on being a curly redhead with that plan for her outlook I cannot wait to be standing next to her as she triumphs over this.  Love you Jo An

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