Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whats the Point

Today I went to do my big monthly shopping trip that is a story unto itself but that is not my current issue evidently the niece has a friend visiting from another state the kid is actually barely 18 came with couple of friends and evidently they ran out of money so 2 of they guys went back home to get more money and have been gone longer than intended and the 3rd boy ran out of money so he was going to pawn his computer they would only offer about 30 bucks for it.  So my husband while I was shopping offered to act at the pawn for him gave him a 140 for the computer and he has X amount of time to pay back if not the laptop is ours we also asked if he would like to stay with us till his friends came back so if they did not come back he would not waste all the money on a motel and have bus ticket money to go back home,  well I came in on the last of it and really had no problem with it but guess the nieces parents did and while they may have reason to they are blaming me for this when it is something my husband did along with our daughter who is actually who the niece called to take the boy to the pawn shop and husband said no they will not give him much but now they are really really mad about all of this but are blaming me and I don't know why just me.   I am not disputing that they may not really care for the boy around their daughter but our thought was completely towards keeping him safe and sending him home does it really matter how it all transpired.  No knitting done today but have gotten several things worked on in the last few days but right do to distracted about current mess to deal with it all,  I admit I just want it to all go away mostly but then again I am pissed off that I am blamed again for something.  I am trying to not care but I do.  So how do I tell them to get off their high horse.

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